Our code of conduct

Everyone who comes to Open Place venues and events (including attending social support groups, activity groups, courses, using the computers and dropping in) will be treated with respect and have a right to feel safe.

This means service users, staff, volunteers and visitors will: 

  • Be tolerant and supportive of others.

  • Be aware of and respect others’ differences, feelings and opinions.

  • Listen while others are talking, take turns speaking and not disrupt group discussion.

  • Protect the privacy of all who attend or meet through an Open Place event or activity. This includes asking permission before passing on contact details (eg. phone numbers, email addresses etc) to a third party.

  • Behave in a non-violent and non-threatening way towards other people in both speech and behaviour.

  • Not take photographs at events without the permission of an Open Place staff member and the consent of those being photographed.

  • Turn off your mobile phones during meetings and events at Open Place and refrain from using mobile phones as cameras or listening devices.

  • If feeling upset during an activity, take a break in another room or outside, with the support of someone else if you wish.

Breaches of the code of conduct 

Breaches of the Open Place Code of Conduct may occur after serious incidents resulting in significant harm to either persons or property. Minor incidents may be resolved using the Grievance Process.

Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct may be witnessed by Open Place staff or reported by service users to Open Place staff. Alleged breaches should be reported to the Open Place Manager.

The person/s that is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct will:

  • be told about the allegation
  • have a chance to explain what happened from their point of view
  • be advised about any decisions as soon as possible.

The Manager may decide to take the following courses of action if they determine a breach has occurred.

If a person breaches the Code of Conduct they:

  • may be asked to not attend an Open Place group or activity for a period of time
  • will be given an explanation and timeframe
  • will be given other options to remain involved and supported by Open Place (eg: another group, individual support, different activities, etc)
  • have the right to appeal the decision

A staff member found in breach of the Code of Conduct will have their behaviour dealt with under Relationships Australia Victoria (the provider of Open Place) disciplinary policy and procedures.


Grievance process

Minor disagreements or issues, between service users or staff members and service users, may be resolved using this Open Place Grievance Process. Serious incidents resulting in significant harm to either persons or property may be addressed using the Open Place process for Breaches of the Code of Conduct.

  • In the first instance, the people who are disagreeing shall attempt to resolve the dispute between themselves. If the matter is unable to be resolved together, then either party may ask the Open Place Manager to help in a discussion about the issues &/or organise more formal mediation.
  • If the matter is still not resolved, then the parties or the Manager may refer the grievance to the Complaints Officer at Relationships Australia Victoria (the provider of Open Place).
  • Until the matter is resolved, the Open Place Manager will ensure that service users are still able to access Open Place services and support.

Respect and co-operation by everyone involved will ensure all grievances can be resolved as quickly as possible.